Saturday, April 10, 2010

I love being married

My intent with this post is not to offend. This is simply how I feel and live.....we each live our lives as we see fit and I am not one to EVER judge.
Being in the Army I have seen how lightly people take the union of marriage. I have always considered myself to be an old fashion kind of gal. You know the one who believes that marriage is forever, you should marry Mr. Forever not Mr. Right Now, with that being said, I am in an environment where marriage is anything but that. You see people all the time finding someone who they get along with as friends and "agree" to get married, the money is more, you don't have to live in the barracks, whatever the reason maybe, but few times its because they truly love each other.
We all know that this is not my first marriage and that I have gone through the divorce, got the tee shirt and wore it for a short amount of time, but my first marriage lasted 9 years and leaving was not something that I had decided to do over night, I tried everything I could and my last resort was divorce.
Another small known fact, I remarried.....this marriage was NOT entered into lightly and it was for no other reason that we were both adults who loved each other and truly wanted to be together for the rest of our lives. I took my time, got to know my husband, his family, his son and even his friends. We had the difficult conversations about the what ifs, we were tried and tested and we made it through.
My marriage is one of the most important and valued things in my life. I have stumbled along the way and not always been the wife I should have been...but through it all, we have kept the vows we made to each other in the back of our minds. Sure, at times we have both lead the other to want to walk away and throw in the towel, but we stayed and worked through it. Isn't this what we were taught growing up?
My husband's family is an amazing loving midwest kind of family, his grandparents were married for over 60 years. 60 YEARS!!!!! That is longer than most of us will be. I am sure at times they were both faced with the I can't stand you's, I don't like you, but at the end they always had the I love you. My husband was raised with these same belief's and values and that gives him the strength to stay and be the man he is. He also teaches me every day the importance of staying not only for the good but through the bad as well, because if we don't learn something new each day, then are we truly living?
Nothing makes me happier than being married to my husband and calling myself his wife. I am a lucky girl. But I can't be the only one who feels this way!! There has to be others that feel the same way I do about marriage!!
At the end of the day I want my kids growing up and seeing their parents being happy, healthy and in love and saying to there future mate, I want to have a marriage like my parents, because through it all they are still together.
At the end of the day, I look at Grandma and Grandpa Sargeant's marriage and I say to myself, I want the kind of marriage they have. And I know that being married J that we will work every day to have just that.
I love my husband!!


  1. Refreshing post. I grew up with a Mom who always thought the grass was greener. She was married before my Dad says he was the love of her life, he died of cancer ... I think she married my Dad just because she wanted to have kids. So she had me, and waited around until the day I left home to leave my Dad ... but of course made me suffer through all the years she didn't want to be there. Then she remarried again, and divorced again. Now she is with someone new ... and is "SO IN LOVE" (I m so sure) anyways point being, I feel like marriage is a commitment that even when life isn't peachy, being committed enough to be grateful for what you do have!!! Rhett and I have been together 11 years, and I hope we re working on 60! If you and Jason can handle military life I would doubt there would be anything you can't handle!

  2. I have had the unique pleasure of being your friend through all of this... through the 1st marriage which really drained you - physically and emotionally - to the 2nd marriage which, it's so obvious, fulfills you in all ways. I'm happy that you found love the 2nd time around!

    You're right - marriage isn't always rainbows and butterflies - it's hard work. But it's worth fighting for every day. Those who fool themselves into thinking that there won't be hard days are not fully invested in their marriage - in my opinion.

    We have the rare gift of being married to our best friends... who love not only for our looks and personality - but for our craziness, our tender sides, our foul mouths, and our cooking. We are so blessed!
