Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Toxic people

So I am a firm believer that there are toxic people in our lives...ones that latch onto us simply to bring us down...they are miserable in there own being and as the saying goes misery loves company!!
Let me shed a little insight into the toxic people (wait person) that have walked through my life, some staying longer than they deserve!!
I take personal responsibility for my life when I turned 18 and moved out of my parents home, this was my first taste of independence and the first burn of toxic...I meet T.B. in a gym class in college, at class she seemed cool enough, funny...easy to talk to....a friend for the girl who left Kansas and didn't know a we hung out and at first T.B. appeared normal and non toxic...the laugh was clearly on me!!
About 4 months into the friendship the lie tracks were being laid for the train she so often liked to ride (you know the train that is always going somewhere but really nowhere at all?) She complained of living alone and so far from school, she said she wanted a room mate and to live closer to campus, I said sure, I have a job and would love a place of my own...lets move in together it will be "fun". I was the "good" girl, the one she could be like, of course I am not a whore, look at my room-mate would she live with a whore? I was always covering for Little Ms. Fucks a lot (really as long as you could get hard then yes she would sleep with you) at times I didn't even bother to learn the naked guy's name who was drinking the oj out of the container at 4 in the morning....I mean whats in a name when she was going to be bring the next one home in a few hours!!
Then it was the "I have to lock my door because I have no clue who you are bringing into our place and I can't trust them"...oh I loved the night that this was thrown at me....yeah, cause my new bff is a obese girl who I picked up walking down the street one day OR all the Harry's I brought home....
Needless to say it was a solid 6 months of DRAMA and me covering for the girl...I guess the straw that broke the camels back was when a friend who actually is more of a brother ended up with a Nasty (and falling hard for her)....I had to stop and think why be friend with a toxic whore? Why let her bring others down around me and why let them continue to risk the well being of themselves!!
So I moved out and married T.M.(story for another blog) and moved on with my life...I left her in the nasty apartment to fit the nasty her!!
A few nights ago, I opened a facebook and found a friend request from her along with a pleading message saying she NEEDED TO TALK TO ME!! So I took the bait....I am nice remember?
Well, you can't take toxic out of no one, yep she didn't change....and she was still trying to drag me down...thanks but no thanks...not buying your act not this time...but the real kicker...she is STILL trying to get at the bro man!! OH HELL NO YOU DIDN'T!!! I had about .5 seconds of that, long enough to fire off a hot leave him and the Mrs. alone and never think about them again...I am a solider now and won't think twice about hurting you!!
So I put the fire out there, talked to bro man's wife to let her know about all the damage control and how I would not let T.B. ruin their lives (I mean really did T.B. think I wouldn't go down without a fight?) I did and then called it good...
So while I once was "nice" and let Toxic in, I am strong, have a family of my own and few that I call friends and family and have found that no one messes with those I call mine!!

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