Thursday, December 9, 2010

Family, military style

I realize that being in the military, there are certain things that we are and are not allowed to talk about and well that is just par for the course I guess, do I always like it, no not really especially since I have my opinions and views that I am never afraid to express but I live with it, what other choice do I have?

But while having one of the most stimulating conversations with my husband last night I had a ahhhh haaa moment, and something hit me....and I really felt at peace with it when all the puzzle pieces fell into place.

Let me share with you.  We as a country have been fighting wars since our birth, most of the time on foreign lands.  We have always been a volunteer military, meaning that we are not forced as citizens to join under normal situations.  There are always exceptions to the rule, like during WWII and Viet Nam. But in general we are a volunteer military, with that being said, it blows my mind that so many men and women have given the selfless sacrifice of the life they had for this country.  Its such and honorable thing, and I am time and time again in awe of it.

What I asked my husband (aka my Sgt.) was how is it to be over on foreign land fighting risking life and limb when you know that not everyone supports the cause you may be fighting for?  I know that not everyone believes in the wars going on, yet they still stand among us in the ranks.  The answer that he gave me made perfect sense and only made my commitment to what I do that much stronger.

We are not fighting for a cause at the end of the day.  We are fighting for the guys (meaning men and women) to our left and right.  We would do anything for our families, this doesn't change on foreign land, just the fact that your family is the ones who are with you serving and fighting.  You give your life so that your buddy doesn't have to.  So he can go home and spend another day with his wife and kids or her husband and kids. This made perfect sense. 

I would give my life limb or whatever else to save and protect my family.  And yes, when we are down range those that we deploy with ARE our family, we laugh, cry, fight, and live with these people sometimes for 15 can't help but to have that type of bond with them.

So really at the end of the day does the cause matter?  What the people in the big white house think is in our nations best interest does that really matter?  Or does the guy to your left and right matter?  His life and his well being, that is all that we really care about in the here and now....let the politicians in the Capital deal with all the rest, we will fight and take care of our own and live life the way that few understand but make perfect sense to us....

Maybe that what makes the military and the military family stand above the rest, we know what the value of life and family is....

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